Sixth in a yet untitled series exploring the process of information recall. This image is unlike its five predecessors in that it is not a collage of negatives; rather it is one negative that has been altered by heat. The print was toned with Fomatoner Indigo. |
I'm trying to figure out how I missed this - I know it went up when I was away from my computer for a few days, and I know there's that weird bug now where only one recent post of the blogs I follow shows up, but - well, I can't believe I missed it.
ReplyDeleteI'm moved by the expressiveness of this ... In spite of its differences from the other photographs in this series, to my eye there's a clear sense of cohesiveness to them ... the thought comes to me that recall can be disrupted in many ways. Perhaps it's the combination of the blue toning and the small circles, along with areas of blur and light, but I'm reminded of the experience of trying to see underwater: things are there, but they look different and in some ways unexpected or unclear or not quite real ... as gaps in memory might be experienced too. And light behaves differently, as logic might when recall is disrupted. This image has its own logic, one that draws me in and calls me to exploration, to discover the beauty of this world that's both like and unlike the one I've always known.
Thank you so very much Jacki, for your incredibly thoughtful way of seeing this. I was thinking that the previous images, despite being compiled of different negatives, displayed a certain amount of cohesiveness. However, this image is cohesive, just by its nature alone, i.e., being of one negative. I wanted to show an even more harsh sense of "disruption" than I had where the thought begins, but never completes in its intended form...this comes from many various sources that I've encountered, but most recently a client with whom I'm working. Thank you again...your way of "seeing" helps me to "see" as well...